Avenue de la mairie 58490 Saint-Parize-le-Châtel 03 86 21 08 44

Le centre bourg

avec son marché du samedi matin

La campagne
à deux pas de la ville...

Un village festif

avec ses fêtes et commémorations...

A proximité du 
circuit de Magny-Cours

7 - L'église

     7. The church

From the ancient times to nowadays, men’s lives have marked this place. The names of the village and the church come from the monk « PATRICIUS » who was one of Saint- Pourçain’s disciple, who might have evangelised the area in the VI th century and founded an abbey where he might have been burried in 555. The Saint- Patrice church such as it is now dates back to 1875. The elegance and harmony of its volumes make it a different building from all those built at that time. A few visible remnants on the gate are what remains of the old smaller Roman church (XII th century). Only its choir was vaulted and deep inside lies a pure jewel that is famous worldwide : its crypt. Walk on around the church, admire the apse and enjoy the view you have from the park.