Avenue de la mairie 58490 Saint-Parize-le-Châtel 03 86 21 08 44

Le centre bourg

avec son marché du samedi matin

La campagne
à deux pas de la ville...

Un village festif

avec ses fêtes et commémorations...

A proximité du 
circuit de Magny-Cours

1 - Le château d'eau des américains

     1. The Americans’ water tower.

The water tower, built in 1918, is one of the few remainings of the WW1 American military hospital. The aim was to provide the military camps with water. It was almost a town that was built on the today car race track area with several thousand beds. It was finished a short time before the armistice and was never operational. The Americans’ memorial is a place to remember and think of a deadly worldwide conflict which involved 32 nations on 3 continents and all the seas on earth. Today this site belongs to the county council of the Nièvre.